part-time, fun-time

by - 5/26/2012 07:40:00 PM

Berawal dari Twitter & alasan "lama ga moto"& ga ada kerjaan, yuk mare jepret lah. Saya nemenin Tyas, as a crew, then... here they are :)

FRIDAY, 18th May 2012
Talent: @shaskialaras
Edit & text by: @ichaatoonnisa
 Location: @shaskialaras's home, Banjarbaru

Behind the scene!

will miss the moment!

Rencananya kami bertiga mau bikin fashion blog. mudah-mudahan kesampean dah hweheheh. Mungkin ditambah 1 personil yang hhmmm dirahasiain dulu kali ya siapa.
wanna share?
wanna join?

Let's go in! :)

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